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Zaikabharat brings you the authentic taste of India with mouthwatering, simple, and easy recipes. Cooking relieves stress for me, provides with an opportunity to be creative, boost my mood, and brings back wonderful memories of my mom's kitchen. I have been a culinary part-time instructor for several years in addition to my professional careers as a cancer research scientist, an educator, a healthcare administrator, and a community leader. I have done several cooking demos, TV shows, and I still continue to do so. I would like to share my cooking adventure through this blog and hope you enjoy these recipes.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Creamy Cucumber Raita

This is the most delicious raita recipe and it can be used as a dip for the different appetizers.

2 cups dahi/yogurt
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup heavy cream
1 tablespoon milk
1 cup finely diced cucumber
1/4 teaspoon mint flakes/powder (fresh finely chopped gives good flavor)
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder coarsely ground
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon chat masala
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh coriander leaves
Pinch of chilli powder
Pinch of salt

Whisk/ beat yogurt/dahi, sour cream, heavy cream, and milk together to make it a smooth mixture.
Add diced cucumber into the whisked mixture. Add mint flakes/powder, cumin powder, black pepper powder, chat masala, coriander leaves, chilli powder, and salt.
Garnish with sprinkles of black pepper and cilantro and refrigerate. Don’t leave at room temperature. Serve with rice and naan.

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